Music Guidelines values the work of songwriters, musicians, and other creative artists. As a company committed to supporting creators, we respect, and ask our users to respect, the intellectual property of those who make music and those who own or control music rights.

We know that you may have questions about what types of music content you can safely share on In order for you to better understand what uses of music are allowed for your content, we’ve further clarified these guidelines in the sections below.

  • Sharing Music on
  • Uses Permitted by Law
  • How This Impacts You

Sharing Music on

Please note that buying music (such as a CD or mp3) or subscribing to a music streaming service typically does not grant rights to share the music on Such a purchase or subscription typically grants you a personal license to access the content only for your personal and private playback.

    Uses Permitted by Law

    Our community is a place for performers to express themselves in remarkable, creative, and sometimes transformative ways. We think it’s important to note that not all unauthorized uses are infringing uses. Some examples include uses of works in the public domain and uses of copyrighted works that qualify for a defense under fair use and similar laws outside the US.

    How This Impacts You

    If you violate these guidelines, you may be subject to a takedown notification from music rights holders under our DMCA Guidelines. We may also take action under our Community Guidelines.

    In addition, we may mute delete Clips, for example where our automated content filtering systems detect that audio contains unauthorized music. If you have the necessary rights to share music in your we want to ensure that your music is not muted.
